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Our Motto

"It takes a strong village to raise a mighty child."

Bolaji Odusina Uzoije M.D 


Our Mission

To celebrate our inherently uncompromising pursuit of academic excellence and promote our authentic cultural foundation. 

Our Goal
To make our W.IN.B.I.G Annual Ball a household name, continued, celebrated and replicated all over the world.


Our Event

The pride and joy of the W.I.N.B.I.G. organization is our Annual W.IN.B.I.G Ball.  Each year it will be held at our very own Suwanee Pediatrics Ball Room on the first or second Saturday following the start of Gwinnett County Schools' summer vacation.


Guests will be able to party for a cause until 12 midnight. 
All tickets will include the banquet, dance and  festivites.

Optional fees include the Professional Photographer, Professional Make Up Artist, and/or Professional Gèlè Artisan.

World Inaugural Nigeria Ball In Georgia

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